MTCA presents Reboot and Renew:
Guiding rising sophomore, junior, and senior students out of the pandemic and into theatre college preparation!
A free virtual event with
Leo Ash Evens, Charlie Murphy
and Amy Breslow
Wednesday, July 21
7:00pm to 8:00pm ET

Charlie, Leo and Amy invite you to join them for an important and timely topic: how best to support our talented teens post-pandemic as many return to in-person classes, community arts programs and begin contemplating their college admissions journey.
They’ll share their extensive experience guiding students into their theatre colleges of choice. They’ll give you insights into:
- How to determine if a major in musical theatre or acting is right for your teen.
- The 4 most important tactics for a successful theatre college audition season.
- How to support rising sophomores and juniors in the exploration of all the theatre college options today.
- What the professional theatrical landscape looks like in 2021.
- Charlie, Leo and Amy share their “best next steps” in your consideration of the theatre college audition process!

Event Information
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
7:00 – 8:00pm ET
Location: Zoom
MTCA is proud to be the leader in developing the next generation of performing artists.
Our personalized team approach, expertly pairing students and coaches, applies our uniquely comprehensive knowledge of the college audition process to deliver a proven track record of artistic acceptances.